The Journey of 1000 Healing Hugs

What is the Journey all about?

I found the Twinless Twin Support Group Intl™ Facebook page and I became a member. One of the first twins to reach out to me was named Trevor. He was very supportive not only to me, but to all the other twins in the support group. Prior to that, because my twin passed when I was so young, I didn’t think twins would view me as a twin and I had no idea that a support group for twins just like me even existed. I had spent 40 years of my life never meeting another twin whose twin had passed away. It was through Trevor’s encouragement that I felt inspired to finally meet another twin loss twin.

In January of 2018 I traveled to Tahoe for my birthday. There just happened to be a new loss twin, Lisa, in that region that agreed to meet with me. I was so excited but also scared! What would this interaction be like? Would it be painful or joyful? Would it change my life forever? I had so many questions running through my head. But after so many years of grief I felt strongly that I needed to take this next important step in my healing process.

Lisa and I greeted each other with a hug… it was so powerful, so magical, it completely transformed my life. It was the first time I had felt like a twin since my twin had passed away. I felt like it reignited my twin power! It was in that moment that I realized that my power was not just in having a twin, but it was also in BEING A TWIN! And that the same power I felt with my twin I could feel with ALL TWINS!

Unfortunately, four short months later I learned that Trevor, the one who welcomed me so lovingly into the Facebook group, had committed suicide. It was in that moment that I realized that Trevor needed our love and encouragement as much as he was giving it!

It completely broke my heart. I spent three days very upset and emotional, and it was then that I realized that I had to do something. He was the reason why I found Lisa, he was the reason why my twin powers were reignited! Had it not been for Trevor’s guidance I never would have been inspired to meet Lisa. It was in meeting her that I discovered how important it is for twins to connect face to face.

So, I made this crazy post in the Facebook group! I said, “I’m going to hug a thousand twin loss twins!”  I have no idea where that number came from, nor did I know how I was going to make it happen! But I did know that I own a motor home and travel all over the USA for work, which in my mind made it possible to reach this insane goal.

A bunch of the twins got excited and one of them said “I can see it now, journey of 1000 healing hugs from twin loss to Twinful.” “Twinful” is a term that I came up with because I wanted to fill my life with joy, and fill my life with love, and fill my life with the power of being twin. I wanted to focus more on that fact that I AM a twin, rather than the fact that my twin has passed away.

I am out to find a thousand twin loss twins that need a hug! If you are one of them and would like to participate in this amazing project then please click on the I WANT A HUGbutton below! You will be contacted when I am in your area so you can be added to the Hug Book!

I appreciate your support, I appreciate your love ….. and I can’t wait to HUG YOU!!!

Hug Tracker

301 Hugs as of December 2024! If you are a twin loss twin and want to help us reach our goal then please click the "I WANT A HUG!" button above.

Download a sample chapter and audio sample of my NEW
Turning Twin Loss into Living Twinfully